A Lit-Noir Publisher Focusing on Stories of the Desperate...and What They Do Next.

RHP Statement on Increase in Ant-Asian Hate, Bias, and Violence

Statement from the Rock and a Hard Place Editorial Board on Increase in Anti-Asian Hate, Bias, and Violence

In response to reports of increased bias, violence and hate crimes perpetrated against Asian Americans stemming from heightened rhetoric around the COVID-19 pandemic, the Rock and a Hard Place Editorial Board released the joint statement below:

Rock and a Hard Place was founded upon the ideals of empathy and respect for people who are struggling against a seemingly endless onslaught of stress, trauma, abuse, and powerlessness, including bias, prejudice and hate resulting from one’s ethnicity or race, or oppression and fear-mongering resulting from one’s national origin or immigration status.  Within the framework of our mission, and in good conscience, we could not be silent at a time when the Asian American community is experiencing an explosion in bias crimes, stoked by evil rhetoric that tries, unfairly, to pin the blame of the COVID-19 pandemic squarely on their shoulders.

“The non-profit organization Asian Americans Advancing Justice reported nearly 3,000 anti-Asian incidents since February of last year.  In 2020, New York City alone reported an 867% increase in bias and hate crimes perpetrated against the Asian American community from the previous year.

“This trend is both disturbing, and, unfortunately, entirely expected.  From past political leaders referring to COVID-19 in such derogatory terms as ‘the Wuhan Flu,’ or ‘the China Virus,’ bigots have been given free license and mandate to terrorize and intimidate, in the name of their own survival.  By engaging in dangerous rhetoric, these ‘leaders’ have attempted to insulate themselves from criticism for their own failings of leadership around the pandemic, and instead shifted the blame for this deadly disease onto individuals who are powerless to refute such ridiculous claims.  They have also taken people’s fears of the unknown -- a new and terrifying virus -- and given it a face and a target: classic demagoguery.

“To be clear, when one of us is attacked due to racism and bias, we are all under attack, as it brings to light the worst aspects of our nation -- isolationist, racist, and punching down on a people who are in the same boat as the rest of us when it comes to the terrifying spread of COVID-19.  This increase in bias and hate crimes exposes some of the ugly divisions and worst prejudices that have been part of the U.S. for too long.  The people responsible for such hate and division, whether personally perpetrated or instigated through rhetoric, are hate-filled cowards, and should be denounced vociferously.

“It is incumbent on the rest of us, people of good conscience, to stand with those who are under attack, to lift them up, to shield them from physical and verbal attacks and to help, in whatever small ways we can, to stop the hate.  Speak out when you see it, and get involved.  Visit https://stopaapihate.org/ to learn how you can contribute your voice or your tax-deductible donations towards ending the side-pandemic of anti-Asian sentiment, rhetoric, bias, and hate.

“Donate $10 or more to stopaapihate.org, and send us a copy of your receipt to rockandahardplacesubmissions@gmail.com, and we’ll send you a complimentary PDF copy of Issues 1 and 2, and you’ll get a shout-out in an upcoming issue of Rock and a Hard Place Magazine for your generosity.

“To our Asian American brothers and sisters -- we stand with you, and stand ready to join you in efforts to halt and reverse anti-Asian hate that hurts all of us.”