A Lit-Noir Publisher Focusing on Stories of the Desperate...and What They Do Next.


Rock and a Hard Place Press is a lit-noir publisher, focused on stories of struggle, tales of the powerless and marginalized, characters on the fringes of society … and what they do next.

Another Great Anthology from RHP!!! The wait is finally over! Just in time for the holidays, we’re proud to roll out the next amazing book in the RHP line-up: THE ONE PERCENT: Tales of the Super Wealthy and Depraved!

For this volume, featuring 16 stories designed to make your blood boil, we decided to switch up the formula just a little bit. Rock and a Hard Place has always been about promoting stories of struggle, to never lose sight of the human being who’s at the core of that struggle. In these stories, our writers are skewering the rich, and instead of celebrating humanity, we’re lamenting the loss of humanity in pursuit of obscene levels of wealth.

Don’t be a Scrooge! Whether you purchase through that online retailer that drives up Bezos’s bottom line, or you ask for it at Bob Cratchit’s Book Emporium (we’re not sure if that’s a real thing), we think these stories have value at any price, and we hope you’ll check out this important anthology (we’re partial to our brick-and-mortar brothers, if you’ve got a favorite shop).

But we get it: times is hard. That’s why you can also check out a full year of STONE’S THROW stories, free of charge, on the RHP website. And rumor has it that if you’re of the more tactile persuasion, the STONE’S THROW annual anthology might be coming along in the very near future.

So cozy up somewhere nice, and fill your hearths and homes with noir this holiday season. However dark you take it, RHP has got you covered!

Rock and a Hard Place Press — your home for the best in noir and dark fiction!